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Vraiment top !! On importe, on enregistre et hop c’est fini. Seul bémol, c’est qu’on ne peut pas régler la durée d’affichage des images individuellement. (je suppose que c’est dispo dans la version pas « lite ») Je recommande ce soft vivement. Mika
Bonne application gratuite pour faire facilement des GIF à partir dimages ou de vidéos
super et en plus c’est gratuit
I really appreciate the ability to make custom resolutions with more pixels. This app exceeded my expectations.
The timeline for arranging frames is flaky. Limitations (probably because it's the "Lite" edition?) are: Projects cannot be saved. The frame dealy applies to all frames, hereas the GIF format allows a delay time per frame. Anyway, I got my simplistic, one-time project done.
Dropped numbered PNGs into viewer, app put them in right order, his play, adjusted the speed of playback, saved as animated GIF, done. Nice to find an app that just does what it's supposed to without having to think too hard about it.
I love this app it makes it so east to create animated gifs from videos and really helps when I'm doing UX related work! Also has much more customization and better quality than other free apps
Crashes when exporting a gif in Mac OS 10.14
Two issues: No option for making endlessly running GIFs! That should be a no-brainer…and then it would be nice if one could drag and drop photos directly from Photos without exporting and saving on the hard drive.
What kind of picture does it have to be? Pdf? Because mine is not working
Very useful to quickly create simple GIFs! Thank you team! :)
I wanted to try and save a 38sec MOV file as a GIF. It sounds long, but the images are super simple with less than 16 colors. PicGIF Lite couldn’t handle it; the frames never rendered past 0%. So, this didn’t work at all.
I would buy the pro version if it had control over the loops (eg. animated banner ads should not be longer than 30 seconds) and a better compression rate. Still, this is a really good app with a very intuitive interface. Thanks!
Years ago I had a GIF animation app and used it quite frequently for creating web banners for clients. I own and run a graphic design and marketing company, and PicGIF Lite is PERFECT for what I need it to do. I create separate slides in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator with images and/or text, then save the individual slides as JPG images. I then open up PicGIF and import the images and set the timing for how long each should stay visible. I then press “Play” to view and fine tune my results, and then export it as an animated GIF. It’s so simple, but does EXACTLY what I need it to do. Great job with the programming on this app guys! It’s the one trick pony I’ve been looking for for several years and I love it! You’ve programmed a completely intuitive interface that requires ZERO learning curve.
I needed an app that creates animated GIFs from collections of still images. This app does that really well. All you have to do is drag each image into the timeline in the order you want to see them in the GIF. Very good.
Really like it - quick and easy!!
Very good. The only gif maker I know that lets you make 50fps gifs for free. 60 would have been nice though haha. But auto optimization isn’t working for gifs with over a hundred images, so an update fixing that bug would be appreciated!
Stuck at 0% loading
Free, simple, straight-forward - and… WORKS! Thank you!
First thing I did was to load my photos and try it out. It left some of my pictures normal but turned some of them sideways, and there is no way to correct this. What the heck?!
Does all the basics you need to create your own gifs without using web-based generators that leave watermarks on your image. If you’re looking for a solid gif maker for free, look no further.
Used this to create GIF from a series of stills. Incredible results with very little effort. Includes just enough features to tweak the look of the output. Highly recommended.
Making animation demos, turned my screen caps into GIFs, no muss no fuss. I’ll buy the “Pro” one now, just because, excellent. Thanks!
I couldn’t find the difference between this and the paid version. I threw in a MOV file and it converted and saved it to my folder. Works fine for me.
This is the app you need to make animated GIFs. It actually does what it promises to do, doesn’t slap a huge ugly watermark on your work, and lets you save the GIF to your own hard drive. With PicGIF Lite I’ve been able to make real, infinte-looping GIFs with very little fuss – shoot a small bit of footage on your phone, trim it down to the essentials, and load it into PicGIF Lite. I didn't even have to watch the online tutorials to figure it out. This is the first “lite” app I’ve gotten that I think I’m going to upgrade.
So I was almost excited, but then I found out you cannot manually set the gif to play only once, although it’s a standard GIF parameter. And you can’t tell it how many times you want it to play - the developers assumed that their only audience is people spreading internet memes. Disappointed.
The interface is straightforward: add or drag your images right into the timeline and click “Create GIF”. Additionally there are options for: size, orientation, fill mode, color, sequence, frame delay and quality to tweak/customize your GIF further. It launches quickly and does its business in no time. Much faster than opening up Photoshop, importing images, etc. etc. I’m on a GIF-making spree I will be purchasing the full version shortly.
downloaded it added iimages understood the interface and done. I so much hate gif animations which are using layers - I want a timeline. This app has a timeline! Perfect!
I spent $5 on an app that didnt work. and this thing did the job in 30sec.
Works perfect no problems so far
it works really well but if u make 1 mistake press it and drag to delete or its mest up everything